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LIMEdiat Transnational Seminar 

Building a European Mediation

The final objective of this TRANSNATIONAL LIMEDIAT SEMINAR is to promote mediation as a cooperative, constructive and peaceful means of dealing with human conflicts. It also intends to build a space conducive to the updating of mediation professionals, and to present a European Degree in Mediation.

The specific objectives of the trips and the seminar are as follows:

a) Promote mediation and take stock of their current situation, by strengthening the initiatives developed around the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts;

b) Present the European Mediation License Project (LIMEDIAT) and the results of the study on the state of mediation and the professional skills of the mediator in the countries participating in the Project: France, Portugal, Italy and Spain;

c) Promote an update on the situation and prospects of mediation in the countries of the European Union and in Latin America, as well as the challenges we must respond to;

d) Encourage extrajudicial and non-judicial mediation as a means of conflict prevention and education in a culture of peace and social participation;

e) Facilitate the discussion on the level of development of the law on mediation for the region of Murcia;

f) Strengthen links and networks with mediation professionals from other communities and autonomous regions in Spain.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of its author and the Commission is not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

© 2023 LIMEdiat

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